Fede, Gab's friend, as I mentioned in the past, she works as a volunteer in Siem Reap,teaching Cambodian children English and Italian.She is from Catania or some place like that. The first impression she gave me was really...well, really "local". She wore a simple T-shirt with a Thai style skirt. And she wore a silk scarf. Pretty local but really make people comfortable.She is Gab's university calssmate, so she also speaks fluent Chinese.
I know Gab and Fede haven't seen each other for a long time.So I told them they should use their mother tongue to chat to share with each other,they don't need to care if I understand or not as well as they don't need to worry about if I feel bored or not. For me, I can have a small and easy breath in the OLD city, which is the best thing.
Fede's volunteer career finished in 29th Jan, the third day we arrived Cambodia.She has been there for 6 months.Suddenly, maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago, she received a letter from her boss, and she knew her mission is finished and her job there is stopped.From the small conversation and her facial pression, I can tell she's really disappointed and feels suck about that organization.I think about a Korea drama "Love in Harvard"(愛在哈佛) while listening to her story there.No body can accept that others take advantage of your efforts, no?!
I gave her a very big HUG and told her "Bao-Zhong" in Chinese when I saw her last time.I don't know where is her next step, but I know she will still keep her sincere heart to serve.Fede,salute!


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