Gab's motorcycle driver told us "there are more than 100 Guest Houses in Siem Reap." I couldn't agree more with him.
Maybe it's a bit difficult to find an ideal GH because there are just too many here.Finally we booked the room in Rosy's GH, it's nothing to do with the references that I prepared in advance or I found from the internet.
Rosy's Guest House, in the bank of the Siem Reap River.
Actually it's not "we" booked the room.Gab's university classmate,Fede,who works as a volunteer in Siem Reap helped us book the double room,with fan, hot water and TV. One night $10.->That's absolutely what backpackers love!The host was a lady from Irish.I couldn't remember her name, but as to her boyfriend, Simon, I like him very much!The experience here is really nice, the employees are all Cambodian.They work hard, offer us very good meal everyday.Most of the tourists living here are from Europe, they have some accent,speaking broadly, but so friendly!They are just like my neighbors who live next to me for years. I like the small conversation every morning or evening when we are together drinking Angkor beer.
Therefore,I strat to think about something:maybe we don't need to "study" so hard to look for the information to find the top 1 GH.Sometimes it's more interesting to go to a place that nobody knows. And you can share more after back home.
說真的,或許在這訂到理想中的小旅館房間會有點困難,因為旅館真的多到眼花瞭亂。我們最後訂的是Rosy's GH,並沒有參考我在網路上或是旅遊書上介紹的GH。其實也不能說是我們訂的,Gab一個大學時代的同學Fede剛好在這裡做義工,是她幫我們訂的,有電扇、熱水還有電視。十元美金一晚,這完全就是背包客所要的吧!旅館的女主人是一位來自愛爾蘭的小姐,我不太知道她到底叫什麼名字,但是她男友賽門倒是讓我印象深刻,斯文誠懇。在這家GH的經驗非常好,很舒適,在裡面工作的員工大多是當地人,他們認真熱情,每天做好多好吃的好喝的東西給我們吃。住這間GH的人大多是來自歐洲,操著有點點重的口音,但卻親切的像住我家隔壁很久的大叔大嬸,我喜歡每早或是黃昏時刻與他們喝著吳哥啤酒的相遇。