After saying BYE to the monks.We went back keeping looking for the market.According to Mon's discription, we had to arrive the famous traditional "OLD MARKET" and then turn left.(I could tell you all, we misunderstood totally!) Even the weather was so hot, we still discovered many interesting things on the way,ex:beautiful street lights, strange man who tried hard to chat with my friend.
Anyway, at last, we gave it up. We decided to give up walking around and turned to a barber shop to ask for help.The barber explained, I could tell we were very far away from the object through his face. He turned back and had a small conversation with his Father,then a funny thing happened: this old father,Gab and I were all in the same motorcycle.He decided to give us a ride.
At the end of the story, we finally found the market.It's really far...very far...

跟寺廟的僧侶們道別後,我們繼續探索這個沙樂市場。按照才剛認識的朋友mon的說法,沙樂在GH的另一頭,所以gab跟我無奈的往回走,像孟子三過家門而不入一樣,我們兩在大太陽底下繼續埋頭苦幹。不過這一路上還是有很多有趣的事,包括我們碰到一個想跟Gab搭訕的加州佬,騎著單車把他的親戚史全搬出來就為了想跟Gab攀點義大利關係...^^"我們也在這一路上發現了超典雅路燈、柬式按摩,不過就在我們已經快到那個專賣紀念品的傳統市場時,終於忍不住去問了一家理髮店先生...到底沙樂市場在哪?這位理髮店先生一邊剪一邊跟我們比手畫腳的說"Very FAR Very FAR",他用手跟我們比了另一個方向,我這個時候真的已經快倒彈了!不過一邊倒彈一邊還很為他剪到一半的客人擔心,因為銳利的刀子就在他耳邊咻咻叫...這位理髮師看到我跟Gab兩個人一付快昏倒的樣子,轉頭跟他老爹不知說了什麼,老爹就開始發動他的摩托車...於是我們開始享受在柬埔寨的第一次三貼.....



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