目前分類:吳哥窟 (23)

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Before leaving for Cambodia, I read some guide books.It seems you must pay a little ext-money for passing through the customs soon.Most travellers get angry about this, including me!(Who knows, I've never been to that place,why am I also angry!?)Anyway,I told Gab "I am not going to pay any ext-money"!
Hey~now I am going to brake this "mystery"!

In fact, after arriving the small cute airport, there are a lot of things and documents waiting for you, especially for us-backpackers.First, we need to apply for the visa, it will take you $20. And you also need to give them 1 photo (2 inches in size).If there aren't any photos with you(like Gab), maybe they ask you to pay $2 more.

OK, when you get the visa,(oh the visa is just cute!)it's time to pass through the customs.Gab and I spend a lot of time to get the visa, so when we wait in line for passing it through, there are almost no other travellers.
There are only 2 lines, but they have 3-4 police men in each line. And there are also the web camera in front of each policeman on the table. When it's my turn, I go forward while thinking about what they will do if I don't pay any exr-money.Out of my inmagination, the procedure goes quite smoothly, I stay there for 2-3 minutes or so.Finally, he asked me to direct to the web-camera.It's absolutely the most embarrassing moment because I don't know I shall smile or not, ok!if I smile I should show him my teeth or not.Anyway, I give him a small smile.The policeman laughed and said "Gong-Xi-Fa-Cai"(which is really suitable at the timing).He gave me back the passport without any request.
After passing through the customs, there are another 2 policemen standing in front of the exit.They asked us to fill out another appilication form.That is the last application form.Finally, it's finished.

No ext-money.No trouble. Thanks God! I broke the mystery!

There is only one thing I want to remind all the backpackers who want to visit Cambodia--there are 3 application forms totally, fill them out in the airplane!



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I tried all kinds of ways to get the ticket to Cambodia, but as you can imagine, it's the Chinese New Year now!It's impossible to get even ONE ticket. Just before giving up this trip, I find the airline company...ANGKOR AIRLINE!

Angkor Airline.....to be honest, I never heard it before.However,I could't deny it really offers the best way to fly from here to Siem Reap, where I am going to visit. Jeremy, who takes the resposibility to contact with me always does his best to solve all the troubles that I made during booking the tickets.
The boarding time is 16:00,my partner-Gab and I arrive there pretty early,around 13:00. I am sure both of us are extremely excited, but get to airport earlier helps us to be able to be elegant.Excited......but elegent!It will take 3 hours and half to fly there.I look at the cloud out of the window, Angkor,I am coming!

吳哥航空--一家我從來沒聽過的航空公司。但是我無法否認,要從台北飛到吳哥所在的暹粒(Siem Reap)這個城市,吳哥航空絕對是首選中的首選!負責的Jeremy自始至終真的是為我們服務到最後一刻,我知道我很會惹麻煩,但他總是替我們一一排除障礙,我無話可說。

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真正說到這次要出發前往吳哥窟,其實有很多遠因跟近因。去年夏天我跟班上的韓國同學聊天,她告訴我她要去Cambodia玩,她問我中文怎麼說。我的老天啊~Cambodia!?What's that?那個時候我上網查,才回答出她這個問題。查的過程中居然被我發現,這個地方好妙啊,有個身為世界七大奇景之一的吳哥窟,而重點是旅行社推出的各式吳哥行程,便宜又大碗的讓人眼花瞭亂!我開始想,如果有一天我很想出國而又沒有太多錢的話,我一定要參加這個行程。


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